Curtail the spread of COVID-19 by 81% to 94%
The state of the practice to keep employees and students safe is to quarantine when symptoms become apparent. Unfortunately, the unique characteristics of COVID-19 lead to spread of the disease prior to symptoms becoming apparent. How can people isolate when they don’t have reason to think they have the disease? But now, with FirstAlert Health, the disease is detected 2 to 3 days before symptoms develop by detecting small changes in heart rate, oxygen levels, and other biometric markers. Early detection at this critical stage has a massive effect on disease transmission, curtailing spread by 81% to 94%.
Drastically improve the health and safety of employees and students with FirstAlert Health’s COVID-19 Monitoring and Alerting system.
- Reduce the infection rate in your workplace
- Identify high priority employees or students that should be tested
- Facilitate early detection, treatment, and safer recovery
- Upon a positive test, closely monitor for escalating symptoms
- Monitor conditions for a safe return to work
How it Works
Patient biometric health data is collected around the clock via wearables and home health devices, as well as self-assessments administered twice per day. FirstAlert Health utilizes Health in Your Hand’s (HiYH) powerful core technology to continually analyze data to quickly detect key changes in health status indicative of disease onset.

Importantly, HiYH does a superior job of separating key health signals from other data “noise” per the individual’s health norms. This enables the detection of real and relevant changes as they occur, while greatly reducing false alarms. The patient and appropriately credentialed participating clinician are notified of these changes. This helps support their decision for next treatment steps.
Personalized & Precise
The FirstAlert Health solution includes the gathering and monitoring of multiple data streams generated by the user. First, a health survey is administered via mobile phone multiple times per day. The self-assessment provides information on the presence and degree of symptoms known to be associated with COVID-19, such as cough, shortness of breath, and fever. Depending on the user’s risk category, recommended wearables are used to track metrics such as heart rate, blood oxygen, and blood pressure. Machine learning is used to detect medically meaningful change, on an individual basis.

FirstAlert Health is accepting new employee and patient groups now
Contact us now to determine if the FirstAlert Health is the right for your organization dramatically improve health and safety for your workforce and other constituents. We will work with you to implement a full program across the spectrum of stakeholders. We’ll design the communication and engagement plan, provide analytics, alerting, and reporting covering clinical and adherence information to those that need it.
Since its initial launch, businesses with mission-critical employees have adopted FirstAlert Health. Early work sites include The Center for Medical Interoperability and a prominent university in Texas who aims to reduce the risk of COVID-19 for staff, faculty, and students returning to campus.
The FirstAlert Health solution generates notifications to the user and, when configured, to appropriate healthcare providers. In addition, reports provide metric trend lines and adherence indications:

connetixhealth.com & hiyh.us partnership brings you this solution as:

Connetix Health & Health in Your Hands Announce Partnership
to Create CHiYME (Coronavirus Home Monitoring and Eventing) Program. . This content Copyright © 2020 Connetix Health. Copyright © Marc Goldberg, PhD. All rights reserved.